[ Jammer ]
This unit is a trickster.

Decreasing STR or DEF,
Making Jamming Area.
This is not so strong,
but can change the progress of a battle
with your inspiration.

If you could use this skillfully,
you will be a good game player.
Use Magics
Lv.1 STR Down -3
Lv.1 DEF Down -3
Lv.3 Jam Moving
Lv.4 Anti Jamming
Lv.8 Receive Fix 10
Lv.12 Jam All Magic
This unit has no attacking magic.
Its magics are for supporting fellow.

[ Soldier ]
Fighter with a sword.
Use Magics
Lv.10 Own STR +5
This unit can increase STR by oneself.
Useful for attack and getting EXP.

[ Lancer ]
Fighter with a lance.
Use Magics
Lv.1 Own MAG +5
Lv.5 Exchange
Lv.10 Own MAG +10
[ Exchange ] is for not only defense.
There is also other purpose.

[ Guard ]
Heavy warrior with a big body.
Use Magics
Lv.5 Pushing
This unit can use [ Pushing ] as it looks.
But MP is too little to use many times.

[ Healer ]
Magician with healing magics.
Use Magics
Lv.1 Heal 10
Lv.3 Heal 20
Lv.6 DEF +3
Lv.9 Pull
Lv.12 Heal 30
[ Pull ] is added as a new helping way.
This must be useful for offense, too.

[ Mage ]
Magician with attacking magics.
Use Magics
Lv.1 Fire 1
Lv.1 MP Give 5
Lv.4 MP Give 10
Lv.6 Initialize
Lv.9 Fire 1/2
Lv.12 STR +3
Being higher level, this unit has rich MP.
Use [ MP Give ] for fellows.

[ High Soldier ]
Soldier's higher class.
STR is increased.
Use Magics
Lv.10 Own STR +5
Lv.15 Own STR +10
Be more strong with [ Own STR +10 ].
It's useful for the winning attack.

[ High Mage ]
Mage's higher class.
MAG and HP are increased.
Use Magics
Lv.1 Fire 1
Lv.1 MP Give 5
Lv.4 MP Give 10
Lv.6 Initialize
Lv.9 Fire 1/2
Lv.12 STR +3
Lv.15 Fire 5
Lv.18 MP Give 20
Adding more powerful magics.
[ MP Give 20 ] will help fellow Healer.

[ High Lancer ]
Lancer's higher class.
Move is increased.
Use Magics
Lv.1 Own MAG +5
Lv.5 Exchange
Lv.10 Own MAG +10
Lv.15 Disturb
[ Disturb ] is exchanging enemy's position.
It has both high risk, high return.

[ High Guard ]
Guard's higher class.
STR and DEF are increased.
Use Magics
Lv.5 Pushing
Lv.15 Lifting
[ Lifting ] is used for some purposes.
It's good to move fellow 2 squares.

[ High Healer ]
Healer's higher class.
DEF and MAG are increased.
Use Magics
Lv.1 Heal 10
Lv.3 Heal 20
Lv.6 DEF +3
Lv.9 Pull
Lv.12 Heal 30
Lv.15 MAG +3
Lv.18 Heal 50
Use more effective healing.
If MP is little, given from fellow Mage.

[ High Jammer ]
Jammer's higher class.
MAG and HP are increased.
Use Magics
Lv.1 STR Down -3
Lv.1 DEF Down -3
Lv.3 Jam Moving
Lv.4 Anti Jamming
Lv.8 Receive Fix 10
Lv.12 Jam All Magic
Lv.15 STR Down -6
Lv.18 DEF Down -6
[ DEF Down -6 ] is just a trump card.
Combined with [ Point Up ].
